Copyright 1973-2024 © Rick Hampton

Rick Hampton

Square Dance Caller-Weekend Traveling-

Basic thru C1- Parties - Caller Seminars
​Recording Artist for Square Dance Music
The 2020 Best Of Visalia Award Winner in Media and Entertainment - CLICK

                                             Rick Hampton Square Dance Caller
My Career- I am a Professional Square Dance Caller and Recording Artist- I own and  produce Fine Tune , SharpShooter Music (80's-20's) , Happy Tracks and GoldWing Square Dance Labels. I am the artist on the top selling records : I Think we're alone now, Freebird , Ventura Highway, Bad Time, Song Sung Blue, Tune Up, Old Fashioned Love Song, I Can't get no Satisfaction, Spanish eyes , Cover of the Rolling Stone, Common Man, Still Not Dead, The Christmas Song , Carry On, 25 or 6 To 4 and Many More!

I was featured as the Caller of the Month-in Sets in Order, The official Magazine of The American Society of Square Dancing,-(Feb. 1985 Issue). I have served  on the Callerlab  MS, Advanced and Record Producer committees to name a few as well as teaching numerous successful caller's schools. I currently serve on the Callerlab SSD, Advanced and Record Producer 

Committees . 

After some 25 years in broadcasting (12 years of which I also kept up a fulltime Calling schedule)  I  retired from  broadcasting and I am calling full time, A GCA member as well as a member of Callerlab-  During the week I call for an A2 group, Teach 2 SSD classes,Call for a Heritage square dance club.  I am traveling again, weekends and I would love to talk with you about a date Please give me a call at 559-909-1232 and we'll set one up!

My Teaching Philosophy-   I believe that Square Dancing is a fun, Family activity that is suitable for Most folks. I teach calls by their accepted definition and work them from many formations to insure success when you go DANCE somewhere else. My biggest reward is to hear you say "We were having fun and Dancing and not breaking down at .."(Another caller's dance) I am thankful to hear this frequently. I also think that new dancers must be retained and work very hard at this goal even if it breaks with the "we have always done this way -so what if it doesn't work approach" many clubs sadly have. I have had tremendous success in the area of Dancer retention over the years and will work with your group to "Keep 'em coming back "

My Calling Philosophy- I believe that Calling interesting ,"Non-Vanilla"  yet non impossible ,Choreography in an up-tempo presentation with well produced , quality music brings a fresh approach to a time tested activity. I believe that every dancer should be able to be taught to dance to a variety of callers I believe that dancers have the right to choose where they will have the most fun and I encourage them to support those groups. I believe that Square Dancing is undergoing an image crisis and I'm actively working to improve the situation. I believe to survive we must change as the future dancers have not been willing to do it "our way". A quicker entry level is a must, and I actively work on such groups. SSD (Social Square Dancing) is the only way to rebuild! ONLY IF WE PROVIDE DANCES!!

My Personal Philosophy- I believe that my family (My lovely wife Lynn and 2 my GREAT daughters, Jessica and Cassie and My Grandsons Demitri, Landon ,Lucas and Granddaughter Addelyn ,my career and my life are a gift from GOD and thank him daily for these and so many more blessings I have been given. I also get to hang with 2 grands weekly. YAY

My Health- I received a Liver Transplant 2/28-3/1/13 and by the grace of GOD, My Wife Lynn and family, A wise beyond his years  young man named "A.R" and his family, along with thousands of prayers- I'm OK- Still gaining ground to new normal.- 9/2018 Update -Triple Bypass which failed, Heart Attack and Hemodialysis all mean less travel. 12/2018 update- Successful Stent placement by the Loma Linda Doctors, Now a permanent dialysis port has been added- I am Bionic

12/2019 Update - I am on the kidney transplant list and hoping for a living donor.
My Recent Health - 4/2022 I am recovering from a major car wreck in February - As the song I did says - Still Not Dead- I am doing great, save 3 day a week dialysis so my travels are closer to home than before- Festivals I do arrange for dialysis in your town.

7/2023 Update Aside from the occasional trip to the hospital that is just a part of long term dialysis, I and now on 2 kidney transplant lists - the 2nd with a way shorter wait list (they count from 1st day of

dialysis) This means I MAY get called soon- 6 months is possible! 

Update 5/2024  A single test is all that is between me and a active kidney listing Hopefully this year! Now booking 2025-27 

